Experience the timeless allure of the kiss in our foreplay game. Ignite the fires of desire with enticing questions and playful tasks. 27 tasks await you.
Jane, let John choose a part of his body you can shave. Once this is done, kiss it.
Jane, lick John very slowly starting at the nape of his neck. Keep going down until John tells you to stop.
Refreshment time! Move to the kitchen, both of you. While you're going to prepare something small to eat, John sits naked close to you on the edge of the kitchen bar. Do not forget to kiss him occasionally, on his mouth, neck, chest or penis.
Both of you, keep your underwear on. John sits down in a cross-legged position, and you sit in his lap. Then do nothing more, just have some ice cream together! But you only have one teaspoon, so John cannot eat directly. You take some ice cream in your mouth and feed him with a kiss!
John sits in a chair while you seduce him with your movements and kisses. He is not allowed to use his hands or touch you in any way, so you must take charge! Put on some sensual music to set the mood.
Jane, have John lie down and cover his eyes. Then, kiss his body, starting with his legs and move up to his mouth. On the way, you can remove one article of John's clothing.
Gently glide an ice cube across your partner's body with your lips, leaving a trail of tantalizingly cold kisses until the cube completely melts away. Then continue with passionate kisses.
If you are wearing panties, slip them off seductively. If not, bestow a passionate kiss on your partner.
Press your lips against his chest and shower it with slow, smoldering kisses. Let your tongue roam around his nipples as you softly caress them.
Jane, lovingly stroke John while giving him a long, lingering kiss.
Go to the bathroom. Jane, pour a cold drink of your choice on John's body and lick him to see what he tastes like.
Sit on your partner thighs naked. Then, start exciting yourself by rubbing your clitoris on his leg, and passionately kissing him.
Jane, let John tie you up and blindfold you. John, arouse Jane by kissing and lightly touching different parts of his body for 60s.
John stands in the middle of the room, wearing only his underwear, with his legs spread apart and his hands above his head. Blindfold him with a scarf and then lightly spank his penis 7 times, letting him count each one aloud. Finish the game off with a passionate kiss.
Take off your clothes until you are both wearing your sexiest lingerie, then snuggle up together and spend at least one minute embracing, caressing and kissing each other.
John will tie your hands up behind your back. Then you kiss him on his penis (only through underwear for now) for a few minutes.
John reclines in a relaxed pose. You lovingly and slowly bestow soft kisses upon his underwear-covered penis, lingering on each one for a few moments.
Lie down on the bed and relax completely. You can't move. John can now do whatever he wants with you! If he moves you to another position, you have to stay without moving. The same applies if he kisses, tickles, touches or spanks you a little :-).
Create a romantic moment with your partner, and film it on your phone or camera. Capture a passionate kiss between the two of you.
Test your partner's memory and reward him for every correct answer! Ask him what the dates were for your:
1. first date
2. first kiss
3. first time being intimate.
For each correct answer, reward him with a sensual kiss on the head of his penis. If he gets it wrong, he must kiss your clit as a sign of submission.
Jane, take off your clothes and hide somewhere. John has to find you, pick you up, and then give you a long, passionate kiss.
John stands on the floor with his legs spread apart and holds his shirt up to his chest with his teeth. He then places his hands behind his head. Your task is to explore and tantalize John's body with your hands, using coconut or massage oil for added pleasure. Kiss and caress him, but no strokes! The task is complete when John releases the shirt from his mouth.
John takes off his shirt and lies down on his back. Your job is to feed him with ice cream. But it's not going to be that easy, take a teaspoon of ice cream, put it on his nipple, then take it in your mouth and give it to him over a kiss!
Jane, gently stroke John, then let your tongue wander all over his skin before finishing with a long, sensual kiss.
Kiss your partner 7 times. However, it requires a little preparation:
John: Send your partner out of the room for a moment. Then take a lipstick or body paint color and draw on different parts of your body numbers, from 1 to 7. No need to be shy!
Jane: Your job is to find every marked spot on his body and kiss it passionately in the correct order, from 1 to 7. You can move to the next number only when your partner allows it!
John stands with his arms stretched out above his head and his feet slightly off the ground. You can explore and caress his body with your hands, lips, and tongue for as long as he can maintain this position.
Turn a small vibrator on and place it into your partner's underpants, gently touching his penis. Then you kiss him intensely for a few minutes while he vibrates.